Contact Us

At newzhandle, we invite you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and stories. Whether you’re looking to share an inspiring story, suggest an individual whose life deserves spotlighting, or want to share your thoughts on our content, your input is invaluable.

We understand the power of stories to connect and transform. Thus, your messages to us are more than just emails; they are the beginning of a conversation. By reaching out, you become an integral part of a community dedicated to celebrating lives that have made a significant impact.

Our team is eagerly waiting to hear from you, to engage with your insights, and to explore the possibility of collaborating to bring more inspirational narratives to light.

Do not hesitate to contact us with your ideas stories, or even if you’re seeking inspiration. Together, through the lens of life, we can inspire and be inspired.

Contact us at or during our office hours, which are from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. We aim to reply within one business day, as your satisfaction is our top concern.

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